MYSArestaurant Hamburg

MYSA means…

“MYSA” is a Swe­dish word that is dif­fi­cult to trans­la­te into ano­ther lan­guage. It descri­bes the fee­ling of com­fort, com­fort and well-being, often in a rela­xed and cozy atmo­sphe­re.
Look for­ward to a sym­bio­sis of new­ly inter­pre­ted Nor­dic cui­sine & Modu­la­ted inter­na­tio­nal cui­sine with fresh local ingre­di­ents!
Enjoy at the MYSA Bar & Lounge in a quiet atmo­sphe­re with a sel­ec­tion of baris­ta cof­fee & Tea spe­cial­ties, Ger­man wines, ele­gant signa­tu­re cock­tails with deli­ca­te fla­vors inspi­red by the Nor­dic cli­ma­te…

MYSA Hamburg

Stein­stra­ße 1, 20095 Ham­burg
Ein­gang: Cor­ner of Johan­nis­wall
Tel. +49 40 741230350

MYSA Eatery
Ope­ning hours:
Quick Lunch
Mon­day – Fri­day 12:00 – 15:00
Din­ner a la car­te
Tues­day – Satur­day 17:00 – 22:00

MYSA Bar & Lounge
Bar menu
Ope­ning hours:
Sun­day – Thurs­day 12:00 – 24:00
Fri­day & Satur­day 12:00 – 01:00

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